Fast Credit Repair Service Get Local Help Now! 5X Faster
Since 1999, we’ve assisted tens of thousands of individuals across the United States in improving their credit scores and becoming mortgage loan applicants. The most essential thing to remember at this time is that our primary objective is for you to leave our program with a significantly improved credit score and fewer derogatory items on your credit report.

Strong Credit Score Services
Credit Examination
Our legal team will thoroughly review your credit report in search of errors, inaccuracies, and omissions.
Attorney Advantage
Strong Credit Score's attorneys will start free low credit scores by conducting tests in accordance with federal laws and acts of Congress.
1-on-1 Plan
Your dedicated Case Advisor will battle for you when we determine where your credit may be improved or where there are issues.
Careful Credit Management
We'll help you improve your credit score and give you tools to track your progress.
Seeing Guaranteed Results
Once the credit bureaus verify our records, your credit score will begin to rise. It all comes down to the number of documents you need to provide.
Enjoy Better Credit
With a better credit score, you can get many financial perks, such as lower mortgage and car insurance rates.